Best Ways to Plan & Promote B2B Videos in Today's Trends

Oct 11, 2023

From the moment you start your video, your prospects will be ready to engage with the content. The brand must be aware of the problem in order to find the best solution for the consumer. As your product ad appears, it should compel them to buy it.

Video marketing is very helpful for businesses to grow in the longer run. In B2B marketing, videos are crucial to tell the story of your brand and how you want to execute your promotion in different search engines and social media channels.

With this article, you can gain knowledge of how to create engaging and persuasive B2B video marketing campaigns. 

Where do you begin?

In the content space, there are different types of videos you can create, but the most important thing is to make sure your video ideas are informative and trendy. 

You should also ensure that your video titles and descriptions are optimized for search engines and social media so that your potential customers can easily find them.

Let’s look at the ideas for types of videos you could create: 

There are always better ideas to go for the video campaign but it should always go with the latest trends and uniqueness of the content which can be used for the market purposes to target your audience.

In B2B video marketing, your research for the campaign should be based on these few questions:

1. Who is your target audience?

2. What type of videos will resonate with them?

3. What platforms will you distribute your videos on?

4. How often will you release new videos?

5. What budget & resources do you have for video production?

Here it's up to the brand how a plan should be done for a B2B video campaign which can be proposed to the team in terms of promotion & which channels to be utilized for the maximum user conversions and engagement.

Production Process

“A well-produced video can be the difference between a successful campaign and a flop.”

There are a few things to keep in mind when producing your videos. 

  • Make sure the video is clear and concise. Video footage that does not enhance the message should not be included.
  • Pay attention to the B-Rolls. Make sure the footage is high quality and with the right timing. 
  • Don't forget about the right audio. The sound quality should be clear and professional. This will ensure that viewers can hear everything that's being said in the video.

With these tips in mind, you're ready to start editing your videos for your marketing campaign. 

Need help in curating your video for your marketing campaign not to worry, 

Let’s Collaborate!!

Promote Your Videos 

Once your videos are edited and ready to go, it's time to start promoting them. The best way to do this is through Youtube and social media.

  • It is best to ensure that your videos have catchy titles for Youtube search which is most preferred while you upload the video, YouTube has a title limit of 100 characters, but as we can see in the image above, it is best to have 60-70 characters displayed fully on most devices. Video titles that are longer will be truncated.
  • Be sure to promote your videos across relevant social media channels. By getting the word out about your videos, you'll be more likely to reach your target audience.

You can also post your videos on other like-minded groups on Facebook, Instagram and WhatsApp. For example, if you have a Facebook friends group who run businesses, you can post your videos on their group.

This is a great way to get more exposure for your videos.

Analyze your B2B Marketing Results

In order to achieve their campaign goals, brands must ask themselves what their videos should accomplish.

Once you know that, you can start planning your strategy.

Let’s look into the Expected result of your campaign:

Bringing new customers: Use video to introduce your business to potential customers who may not be familiar with what you do.

Increase in Engagement: Brands benefit from videos as they are more likely to be shared and commented on.

Build brand awareness: Profile your company and team members in your videos to create a strong connection with your viewers.

Higher conversions: Use call-to-actions in your videos to encourage viewers to buy your products or services.

Whatever result you expect, make sure they're specific and measurable. That way, you'll be able to track your progress and see how successful your video marketing campaign is.

Bringing customers to your product or services with better results and high chance of retention in the end.


Video marketing, when done right, can be an effective strategy for marketers of B2B products and services. 

Before you get started with your own video advertising campaign it's worth doing a little market research to determine your ideal customer personas. 

From there, you can begin to identify the best platforms for engaging those target audiences and driving relevant traffic back to your site. It might sound like a lot of work, but the end results will likely prove worthwhile.

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